LCD Control Motor DC CW-CCW
Control Motor DC CW-CCW yang bisa diseting berapa lama putarannya dari (1 - 60 )s. LCD 1602, 4 Button set-up-down-Start
At89s52,Driver motor L29N,Motor Tape 9 VDC CCW
LCD-DS18b20 Alarm (Suhu Atas dan Suhu Bawah)
Suhu atas (TH)-Suhu bawah(TL) dengan Alarm
At89s52,lcd1602,sensor suhu DS18b20,buzzer,3 Button (up-select-down),5vdc
How to remove capacitors, relays and other components. How to remove IC chips from a circuit board.
In this video I demonstrate how to use a desolder pump to remove a solder joint.
Soldering techniques: desolder pump
Quickly removes molten solder from joints
炫蓝光PowerLed Pro V2.3.4
LED control card, the phone into a LED display screen control center of the display, you can always control the LED display screen.
There add titles, timer switch, adjust brightness and other functions.
To control the phone via WIFI, search for the PowerLed app in the iPhone App Store or Android Marketplace. Once the app is installed, power on the LED sign. Next, search for the WIFI network TF_...... using your device and join the network. Join the network (it may take some time for your device to fully connect to the device, so be patient). Once connected, you can open the app and use it to send messages to the sign!
Photocell Merk Selcon Made In Japan
Modul agar lampu otomatis On dan Off ketika malam/siang hari.
Photocel Selcon 6 Amper di gunakan untuk mematikan dan menghidupakan lampu dengan mengunakan sinar matahari sangat cocok di gunakan untuk lampu penerangan jalan,lampu menara