Tuesday, 31 December 2019

U shape Jinx LED Matrix software

U shape Jinx LED Matrix software (30*20)600 pixels -(120*180)cm #jinx #ledart #ledmapper #ledmapping #ws2811 #esp8266project #sacn #ledmatrixlight

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Esp FastLed noise plus Palette WS2811

Esp FastLed noise plus Palette

1800 ws2812b (60*30) & 600 ws2811(12mm) (20*30)
Here's the code on hastebin:
Schematic: https://goo.gl/photos/dA4Cx5CsM1d2j3V3A
#esp #fastled #ws2811 #ws2812bledstrip


Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Lampu Led Api 5 VDC (Modifikasi).

Lampu Led Api 5 VDC (Modifikasi).
bohlam flame e27 effect fire bulbs lights
Bohlam api ini merupakan lampu dekorasi yang unik, tak seperti lampu kebanyakan, lampu ini memberi efek nyala api yang berkobar sewaktu dinyalakan

Videonya :

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Animation Led Matrix WS2811 12mm (20x20) 400 pixels

Animation Led Matrix WS2811 12mm (20x20) 400 pixels. Size screen (120x120)cm Nodemcu ESP8266.
Giant RGB LED Display I’ve been working on a giant RGB LED Display recently. The video above shows you some test animations running through the display. Currently the display is (120x120)cm size and will be expanded to be 20x 20 LEDs in total.


Saturday, 29 June 2019

ESP01 Running Text Led matrix WS2811 (30x7) 210pixels

ESP01 Running Text Led matrix WS2811 (30x7) 210pixels
Running Text Led WS2811 WIFI Wifi tersendiri, bisa untuk 80 huruf, pengaturan warna,kecepatan, kecerahan bisa diseting. Nodemcu ESP8266,ws2811

Videonya :

Source Code :


Monday, 24 June 2019

Led Matrix WS2812b 2600pixels

Led Matrix WS2812b 2600pixels
Led Matrix WS2812b 2600pixels. 2 Screen Led Matrix Ws2812b (60x30) & Led Matrix Ws2812b (30x27). 2 Controller ESp8266 2 IP address Arnet Wifi. Size (300x100)cm

Videonya :

Monday, 17 June 2019

Demo Jinx! ESP01 Led Matrix Ws2812b 1800 pixel

Demo Jinx! ESP01 Led Matrix Ws2812b 1800 pixel

Demo Jinx! ESP01 Led Matrix Ws2812b 1800 pixel (60x30)
Size screen (200cmx100cm).koneksi by arnet wifi


Animasi Led Screen Inaugurasi Keperawatan UNAND18

Animasi Led Screen Inaugurasi Keperawatan UNAND18
Led Matrix ws2812b (60x30) 1800pixels size (200x100)cm.
Controller Nodemcu ESP8266

Videonya :

Jam Digital 7segment WS2811

Jam Digital 7segment WS2811

Menampilkan Jam : Menit dan Suhu dari RTC DS3231,

menggunakan Arduino Nano,RTC DS3231, 58 pcs WS2811

Setting dengan Pushbutton

Schematic dan source code : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cum6Y...

Videonya :


Controller At89s51,Triac BT16,Moc 3010, LED Neon Flex is an award winning, dot-free flexible linear light fixture. Unlike cheap knockoffs and bulk rope lighting. LED Neon Flex is an exciting new product that replicates the iconic neon sign look with the reliability, brightness and ease-of-installation of LED lights.

Videonya :